Saturday, February 28, 2015

ONLY FOR HIM by Cristin Harber



Grayson Ford and Emma Kinglsey--close since they were kids, opposites in every way. He's the stuff high school crushes are made of, Mister Popular, and captain of every team. She's artsy, cute, and not in his league, though fully aware of Summerland's "I Dream of Dating Grayson Ford" support group.
I can't say no. The girl's had my heart since before I knew it went missing.

He hides a life of hell. His father hates him, his mother's gone. Emma is his only savior, yet she doesn't know her power over him. She's the only girl he wants, the only one he could ever tell--though he won't.
I'm stronger, bigger, more of a man than he'll ever be, but because I ruined his life, I've taken his crap, his attacks, the vulgar nature of his existence.

Until she discovers Gray's embarrassment, his humiliation. Emma fights for him and for a chance. Theirs is a Cinderella story that she believes impossible. But as the layers peel back, it's just a guy who needs a girl in order to keep breathing.

My mind is already doodling Mrs. Grayson Ford in imaginary notebooks. He has no clue where my head is at... But, given that I didn't see what just happened coming, maybe I have no clue where his head is at either.
Only for Him. Only series, Volume One. All novellas will release Spring 2015. Amazon | Barnes and Noble iBooks Kobo dowhat GIVEAWAY Cristin is giving away a $10 Amazon gift card and a Titan series swag pack!

RealFeelsBe sure to join Cristin Harber, K.A. Tucker, and Chelsea Fine on March 2nd at 8pm EST for a live twitter chat using the hashtag #RealFeels!

  ABOUT CRISTIN HARBER Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy, steamy romantic suspense and military romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon’s Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors in 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller. Website | Newsletter | Facebook | Team Titan Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads Text TITAN to 66866 to sign up for exclusive emails!

Release Day Blitz  Sting by Jennifer Ryder

Title: Sting
Series: Spark #4
Author: Jennifer Ryder
Release Date: February 28, 2015


Going undercover has its challenges. When Detective Ryan Clark is sent to the sleepy coastal town of Fremantle to dismantle the country’s most lethal drug syndicate, it’s worth the risk. Even if he becomes a fatality, in the war against drugs.

Ryan finds himself coming back to the same coffee shop. Blondie, the local barista, has him hot under the collar and reaching for his piece. He knows the attraction isn’t just one-sided.

She’s trying to keep her distance.

It only makes him want her more.

Willow Asher left it all behind, but not by choice.

After two long years, she’s finally getting somewhere. Willow has a busy café with her buxom business partner, Gabby, who is the closest thing she has to family.

Although Willow’s past still plagues her thoughts, she’s determined to have her happily-ever-after. As soon as her demons stop haunting her.

What she doesn’t need is the complication of Mr Sexy-Brown-Eyes, who seems to be drinking more and more coffee.

She doesn’t want the questions.

She’s still trying to get her story straight.

Links to Buy


From 6pm EST on Saturday, February 28

Special guests include:

Lila Rose
Becca Lee
TJ Hamilton
Kate McCarthy
Stephanie Smith
Max Henry
EM Abel
Simone Nicole
Carmen Jenner
Kirsty Dallas
Lauren McKellar

Also Available




 Author Bio

New Adult and erotic romance writer, and author of the Spark series.

A sexy imagination, a life-long love of books and a sucker for romance, Jennifer Ryder couldn't stifle her creativity any longer.

Writing steamy adult romance has become her new focus. Living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country.

Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.

Jennifer placed third in the International Stringybark Erotic Short Fiction Award 2013.

 Author Links



Twirl me around and watch me spin, a modern day princess lives within…

Charisa has a perfect life. Just like her favored Princesses, she is living the life every girl dreams of: her very own fairytale, but even the sweetest fairytales must come to an end. When happiness is at its peak, fate steps in and one by one she loses everything.

Picking up the pieces to a broken life can be long and bumpy. Most often than not things get worse before they get better.

Despite her despair and the hell she’s been drug through time and time again, she finds love and begins to plan a future as none other than Mrs. Prince Charming. Convinced she’s going to finally get her happily ever after fate steps in once again and she suffers betrayal and shame at the greatest degree.

Will she give the idea of love a second chance and find her one and only or will her dark secrets prevent her from truly finding herself?


Behind every prince is a story left untold. 
Look behind the mask and you’ll see it unfold…

Sawyer has lived a charmed life. He’s the catch every girl is after when dreaming of her very own storybook ending. In real life, though, nothing is like it is in a fairytale. One childhood event can forever affect how a man looks at love and relationships, even a golden guy like Sawyer. 

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Isn’t that what everyone has always taught in history class? He doesn’t have time for love or commitment.
Even the most skeptical with love can sometimes find it in the strangest of places, when that one special someone catches his eye, suddenly leaving him dazed and confused.

The only way to reap the benefits of true love is to put your own demons behind and give love a shot…

When secrets start to arise will the two beat the odds or part ways and let it destroy them both?

             Tonight is a big night. I’ve taken my time to ensure that I look good.  I stare in the mirror as I admire the new lingerie I have to wear tonight.  I used my uniform allowance to get this sexy getup.  Roger expects us to always be fresh, never wearing the same outfit within a month rotation because of the regulars. There are no lower class sleezeballs here.  This is where the big dogs come out and play.  This is the most private club in town.  If you knew who some of our highest paying customers were you would know why. 

I have a birthday party that’s reserved the front table of the stage tonight, a group of ten men, all drunk off their asses already I’m sure.  I could tell when I peeked out the door as they arrived that a few of them are newbies by their drooling, excited demeanor.  This is what makes my job interesting and fun:  breaking them in.  A man gets a good first time and they’ll be coming back for more, meaning more cash for me.  I place my tall heel into the seat of my chair and rub baby oil down my leg, giving me a sexy edge.  Plus, it keeps the hands from going past the point of restriction. 
            I finish the other leg and take one final look in the mirror.  It’s a sexy version of a clown; a white baby doll trimmed in all of the bright colors. The birthday hat and the sexy makeup top it off.  My ruffle front thong is orange and it is the final dessert of the hour.  I paint my lips with a matching cherry-red lipstick like my name and smack them in the mirror.
            “Cherry, you’re up in ten.  Don’t keep them waiting.  This is my biggest payout of the night.”
            I roll my eyes in the mirror at the sound of Roger’s voice as he pokes his head inside the door.  Show the man green and he’d lease us out in private hotels I’m sure.  He would never admit that though. 
            “I’ll be right out, Roger.” 
            He likes me though, because something about my pretty face keeps his pockets full.   I’ve already been up on stage a few times tonight, so for now I’ll be circulating the room.  “Showtime,” I mumble, and strut out into the club, ready for action.
            The club is packed with businessmen lingering in various sections of the club. I love weekends. It’s when all of the high rollers come out to play. They each have a different story: some leaving their wives at home for a fresh piece, some making this their last stop before walking the aisle, and the rest college kids looking for a little fun. I don’t care what they’re here for as long as their pockets are empty when they leave and they leave everything in the club; after all, I didn’t make them come here.
I look around the room, spotting my party sitting in front of the stage. There are a few cute ones in this batch. This is going to be fun. My eyes lock on one.  He takes me in and gives me a smirk before he starts to approach me. “Hey there, sexy. What can I do for you?”
He broadens his smile and gives me a wad of cash. “I need a favor.”
“Oh yeah. What’ll it be, Darlin’?”
He leans in to whisper in my ear, refraining from touching me because he knows it’s against the rules unless he’s buying a dance. “It’s my boy’s birthday. There is enough there for a hefty tip if you’ll take him to the VIP room for more privacy. I’ve already booked the dance.”
I look around for Roger to confirm. I find him standing across the room and he nods at me, giving me the go ahead. This guy has some nice friends.  A private lap dance is easily a grand and paid up front to Roger.  It is explained that’s before the tip, so this guy knows the rules, meaning he’s been here before. “Okay, sexy, but that’s an awfully generous gift to give someone else. Are you sure you don’t want it for yourself?” He’s cute. I wouldn’t mind giving him the dance.
He leans back to look at me. “As much as I would love to watch you grinding on top of me, my boy comes first, sexy. Maybe another time; I’ll be back.” He winks and backs away with a large grin on his face. I shrug seductively as I watch him leave. His loss.
            I head to the VIP room to get ready for my dance, greeting Gerry at the door.  All private rooms have a bouncer keeping guard to ensure that the women are safe at all times.  As I’m getting my music queued up, I hum softly under my breath and wait for my client to arrive. A few moments in and there is a knock at the door.  I walk over and open it. Greeting me on the other side of the door is an incredibly sexy man.  Hell yes, this is going to be fun.
Something about his face looks familiar, but I can’t place it.  He has dark hair, intense green eyes, and is physically fit by the defined muscle protruding from his fitted shirt.  He must have come here right after work, because he is wearing a suit, but he’s removed the jacket and he rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt, revealing tattoos running up his arms.  I don’t know what it is about a man with rolled up sleeves and tattoos, but it turns me on in a way I don’t understand.  Maybe it’s the business meets bad boy persona.  Whatever it is has me motivated to get closer to him, making my job easier.
 I step aside to let him enter. “Hi, I’m Cherry.”
He studies me for a moment with heated eyes.  The way he looks at me is as if he’s seen me before, like he knows me.
“Hi, Cherry.”  My name rolls off his tongue in the most sexual manner, causing a rush of excitement between my legs.  This is going to be one hell of a night: sexy and seductive. 
The music starts to play and I place one hand in the center of my sexy stranger’s chest, grabbing a handful of black material.  I walk backward and drag him over to the seating area before turning, pushing him backwards until he falls onto the couch behind him, giving me a deep, sexy laugh along the way.
“Damn,” he says, egging me on.  Not wasting any time, I place each hand on the back of the couch to each side of his shoulders and flip my hair from side to side.  It starts the full body roll that follows, pressing each segment of skin to his clothing, ending with my pelvis.  I stand and turn, closing in on him, resting against him in a sitting position.  I shake my ass against his crotch, enjoying the feel of it hardening beneath me.  While cupping my breasts I roll my head back, grinding to the beat of the music.  Turning my head to the side, I watch his eyes glaze over as I touch my body, skimming my hands down in a slow motion.  I continue gyrating on his lap, listening to his breathing pick up, confirming the arousal that is pressing into the crack of my ass.
  I breathe in deeply…. smelling his citrusy aftershave; something I would say is unique to him.  My hormones are quickly running wild, something different than normal. It doesn’t take me long to get lost in the music and this sexy man pressed against my backside as I allow him to become familiar with my body.  Time stands still…for a while.  I hear him grunt, praising me for the havoc I’m causing on his cock and he isn’t even naked. 
I finish out the dance as the song comes to an end, standing and adjusting my outfit.  He stands as I run my fingers through my hair and I watch as he fishes in his pockets.  He pulls out a wad of cash, handing it all to me.  I briefly stare at him in shock, but brush it off and reach for it. He doesn’t immediately turn it loose. 
“How much for house calls?”
I’m about to say something, anything to deny his question, but he beats me to the punch.
“Listen, I don’t usually come to places like this, but I’m here, and now that I am, I kind of like it.  You have a beautiful body.  Let me show you what I can do with mine,” he finishes quietly. 
What a generous man, but I can tell he enjoyed the dance from the large bulge at the front of his pants, so I know what he’s referring to. 
“I don’t think so, sweetie.”
I’m ready to thank him and leave when he grabs my hand, pulling me to him.  He presses his lips to mine before I even know what’s happening.  I can taste the whiskey on his breath.  Poor guy is so drunk I don’t think he knows what he’s asking me, but the way his hands introduce themselves to my backside I can’t be sure.  He pulls away and touches his index finger to my lips, silencing me. 
“Think about it.  The club closes at two.  I’ll be outside waiting if you decide to take me up on my offer.  Sometimes outside of the norm can be freeing…”
He turns and walks away, leaving me standing here alone.  I’m not sure what the hell just happened, but I find myself considering it.  I never do this.  There’s one reason why….”

Chrissy Snyder writes New Adult Erotic romance. She loves tattooed bad boys and misunderstood women with happy ever afters. She divides her time between writing and reading when not loving on her very jealous furbaby, Mylo. If she isn’t writing about heartache or second chances, then she is managing her busy household with her very supportive hubby and two teens. She dreams of travelling to Europe, Costa Rica and Hawaii


Friday, February 27, 2015


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“Dani-girl.”  His voice, that rich rumble of masculine excellence, washes over me and I shiver again before cursing under my breath.  The rumble of his low laughter tells me that he definitely didn’t miss that little move.
Kill me now.
“Hey, Coh,” I say with a smile.  “What brings you in?  Last minute, I might add.”  I pat the chair before walking around and holding the back while he sits down.
When his scent hits my nose, I almost come on the spot.  Lord, he smells good.  I wonder what he would smell like while his body covered mine, all sweaty from hours of good lovemaking.  I run my fingers through the longer lengths on the top and feel my cheeks heat slightly, thinking about doing the same when his face is buried between my legs.
“…needed a trim.”
Shit.  I missed what he said because, naturally, I was thinking about him naked.  Naked and thrusting into my body.  Naked and feasting between my spread thighs.
“You feeling okay?  I thought Nate said you were better?”
“Uh, I’m fine.  Just—is it hot in here?”  I fan my face and avoid his eyes.
He’s silent, so I take that as a sign that it’s safe to bring my attention back to him.
Big mistake there.  His knowing eyes are boring right into mine.  The chocolate depths sparkling in a way that makes it clear he has a good idea about where my mind was going.
“Did you hear what I said, Dani-girl?”
“Of course I did, Cohen.  What, did you think I was standing here daydreaming?” I joke.
“Well, yeah, that’s exactly what I think.”  His eyes darken and he smirks a devilish grin.  “Did you know you talk in your sleep, Dani?” he asks, and I drop my comb.
Oh, God.  Shut up, shut up, shut up.  This is not happening.  No way.
“No, I don’t,” I childishly snap.
“Dani, you do.  So, yeah, I do think you were standing there daydreaming.  Want to know why?”  He uses his booted foot to move his chair so that he’s facing me, and then he leans in so that his face is dangerously close to mine.  Even when he’s seated, his head is almost level with my own.  Curse my horizontally challenged self.  “While you were zoning off into space with your fingers running through my hair, you had this smile on your lips.  The same smile you had the other day when you were dreaming.  About me, Dani.  And don’t deny it, because you don’t moan my name if you’re dreaming about another man.  Yes, Dani, you very much do talk in your sleep.”  He smiles again before leaning back and looking down to his phone.  “Clean up my neck please, cut the length off the top, and give me a buzz on the sides.  Other than that, you’re clear to continue with your thoughts.”
I must have been standing there like an idiot because he looks up from his phone, laughs to himself, and, with one tan hand, reaches out and pushes my mouth closed.
“You’re going to catch flies that way, Dani-girl.  One day, maybe you can clue me in on what those dreams are about.”
Drives me insane, the control he has over me.  There isn’t a single person in the world, other than Cohen, who can turn me into a ridiculously stupid, sputtering fool.  My normal confidence disappears.  And clearly, he isn’t as oblivious to my feelings as I originally thought.
How in the hell am I supposed to handle this?
Wait a minute.  Cohen or not, I’m not going to let him pull my strings when I know he is just doing this to make me feel uncomfortable.
So, time to call his bluff.
“Why?  You planning on doing something about it?”
He looks up sharply, clearly not having expected me to actually say something in return since he was going for shock value.
“Try me,” he demands, his voice thick and even deeper than normal.
I throw my head back and reach out to run my fingers thought his hair again, just barely suppressing the shivers.  Curling my fingers slightly so that I can grab a good hold, I lean in and pull his head back at the same time.  With my nose just a hair away from his and our breaths mingling together, I say, “Cohen, you couldn’t handle the truth of my thoughts when it comes to you and we both know it.  So how about you let me know when you’re ready for me to clue you in.”  I give his hair a light tug and smile when he swallows loudly and shifts in his seat.  “Ready for that trim?” I ask with a wink, and I’m rewarded with his groan.
I have no idea how I do it, but I manage to get through his cut without coming unglued.  I can see Lyn trying to get my attention from across the room.  Stella had to leave after she overheard my words to Cohen because her giggles were getting the best of her.  Cohen has remained silent the whole time.  His eyes though…  They’re speaking louder than his words ever could.
They haven’t left my reflection in the mirror since I started.  I can feel them every time I shift.  When I stopped to go grab another comb after I dropped my fourth one, I felt his gaze follow me across the room to Stella’s station.  The few times I stopped cutting to meet his eyes, the heated promise written all over his face almost did me in.  I almost just said ‘fuck it’ and climbed on his lap to have a go regardless of the people watching our every move.
I finish the last buzz of my clippers around his right ear and move to brush all the stray hair off.  “All done,” I say softly and unclip his cape.
He stands, shoving his phone in the back pocket of his jeans, and walks over to stand in front of me.  I continue to pretend I’m busy with the cape I just removed, brushing stray hairs off here and there, when his hand comes up, his finger and thumb hitting my chin, and my face is lifted until I have no choice but to look in his eyes.
“Do not tease me, Dani.  It’s not a game you want to play if you don’t intend to follow through.”
“I-I wasn’t… I wouldn’t,” I stammer.
“You did, and I have no doubt you’ll have the brilliant idea to do it again.  The next time you allude to those dirty thoughts I know you have about me, don’t think for a second that I won’t drag you to the closest bed to show you just how fucking dirty they’ll get.”  He leans close, his scent hitting my nostrils, and I involuntarily inhale deeply, earning me a rumbled chuckle.  “What you don’t know, Dani—because contrary to what you think, you don’t know me well enough to assume what having me would really be like.  But I promise you this: every little thought that you have had that causes you to moan my name while scissoring those perfect legs back and forth, praying for completion—it would be so much hotter than you could ever imagine.”  He gives me a soft, sweet kiss against my temple that has fire racing from that spot all over my body until it ends in the awareness that I’m pretty sure I just came in my pants.
unexpected 3.jpg
Unexpected Fate by Harper Sloan
“Axel Reid, don’t you dare!”  my mom exclaims. Then she yelps when my daddy charges through the front door.
“Don’t I dare what, Princess?  No way that boy is going near my girl.  Look at him!  He looks like he can’t wait to creep on my daughter!”
“Well, there is no need to scare him to death!” she mocks.
My cheeks heat instantly when I see Dane start backing away from the porch.  My hopes of being able to actually go to my senior prom are starting to go up in flames.
Just like that.
Not that I should be surprised about it.  Mom did her best to calm Daddy down, but we should have known better.  He took one look at me and stormed over, only to return ten minutes later looking like he does now.
So embarrassing.
“You need to stop this nonsense right now, you big lug, or you’ll be sleeping on the couch,” Mom fumes.
“Like hell I will, woman!” Daddy roars at my mom.
I watch her face get sharp.  He stops long enough to sling one of—that’s right, ONE of—the rifles he’s carrying over his shoulder, where it lands next to the other one he already has over his other shoulder.
Only my mom would be brave enough to deal with him when he’s in “Protect Dani from everything with a penis” mode.  He looks absolutely ridiculous.  He has two hunting rifles now hanging by their leather straps over each shoulder.  He has two handguns strapped to each thick thigh, two on each side of his belt, and various knives along the way.  His shirt, which he thinks is hilarious to wear when I attempt to go out on a date, says I kill things…and eat them.  I know it’s a hunting shirt—for animals, not teenage boys—but Dane doesn’t.
Mom moves in front of him, standing in the front doorway and blocking his path, where Dane is still slowly retreating.  She’s been dealing with this way before they even had me.  He’s…protective.  I guess that’s the nicest way to put it.  Well, she calls him protective.  However, I call it possessive, overbearing, controlling, demanding, and jerky.
“This is her senior prom, Ax.  You wouldn’t let her go last year.” She pauses when he grunts. “And I’m sorry, but you won’t be stopping her this year.  She has a right to experience this.  And Dane is a nice boy.  Right, Dane?” she yells over her shoulder.
“Uhh…” he stammers, causing my daddy to grunt some more.
“The boy doesn’t even know how to talk, Izzy.  I bet he will be nothing but handsy and think with his little pecker.  Nope.  No way.  Not near my baby girl.”
Oh.  My.  God.  I wish I could just fall into a hole right now.  I try to see over my parents to find out if Dane heard that, but with Daddy basically being a giant, that’s not happening.
“You did not just say that!” I yell at his back.
Daddy turns around, his movements awkward with how many weapons he has strapped to his body.  His green eyes, so like my own, slant and harden.  He looks down at my dress for the thousandth time since I came downstairs and doesn’t even bother hiding his displeasure that it’s showing too much of my body.  Even if it is about as tasteful as it gets.
My strapless, red dress has a sweetheart neckline, and everything he calls my “girly bits” is covered.   There isn’t really any cleavage.  Well, okay, there is some, but surely with my lack of being busty, you couldn’t even call what is showing “cleavage.”  His first problem was with how much of my legs was showing.  Then I made the mistake of turning around without my wrap on.  That’s when he saw that the dress was completely backless to my bra line.  Well, what it would be if I had been wearing one.  Which is clearly when he lost his mind.
“You look just like your mother did that night twenty years ago when we finally came back to each other.  Right down to those strappy shoe things. And I guarantee you, Danielle Reid, any teenage boy who doesn’t bat for the other team will be thinking thoughts I’ll cut his dick off for.  No.  You aren’t going with that boy, and that’s final.”
I harden my eyes, and his narrow even further.
I put my hands on my hips, and he squares his shoulders, his rifles clinking together.
I raise one brow, and he mirrors the action.
“I’ll cry.”
“No, you won’t.  You have more balls than that.”
“Want to bet?”  I attempt to muster up some tears, knowing that he won’t be able to handle them, but before I can force the first one out, my brother jumps into my line of sight and blocks our standoff.
“Yo, Dane!  You just run along now.  Dani is unfortunately feeling a little under the weather.  Ebola. Or the flu. I don’t know.  It’s really ugly and you probably don’t want to be around this.  The boils—they could pop at any moment.”
“You did not just do that,” I heatedly whisper, fuming at his nerve.
Nate turns and smirks at me. “Oh I just did.”
“I can’t believe you two!”  I spin to look at the one person who can help me.   “Mom, seriously?”
Her expression softens, and she just shakes her head.  “I’m sorry, Dani.  I tried.”
“You two,” I start, pointing between my older brother and father.  “You just can’t leave it alone?  I’ll be eighteen in a few months.  What are you jerks going to do then?”
“You’re not dating, Danielle.  Not ever.”
“Oh yeah, Daddy?  And how realistic is that crap?”
“Watch your mouth, little princess.”
“I’m so sorry, Dani.”  She walks over and wraps me in her small arms.
I could probably really cry now a lot easier than when I was trying to fake it, but I’ve never been one of those girls who weep constantly.  It would be easier to just go upstairs, take off the dress mom and I spent hours looking for, scrub off the light makeup she helped me apply, and pretend this night didn’t happen.
An hour later, I’m sitting in my bedroom, still wearing my perfect dress.  My makeup is still done and my hair is still flowing in long waves.  And I’m no less mad at the men in my life than I was earlier.  I’ve considered climbing out my window.  I’ve considered asking my best friends, Lyn and Lila, to come help me escape.  But what would be the point?  Rambo-Dad already scared away my date, the only boy left in school who had been willing to ask me even though his friends had warned him about my father.
I lie down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling.  Maybe I should go away for college.  I planned on living at home while I attended Georgia Tech, but there is no way I can deal with this stuff any longer.  If my father had things his way, I would be shipped off to become a nun.  Or he would buy an island and make it an all-girls cult.
“Uhggggg!” I yell to the empty room.
“Seriously, Dani-girl, things can’t be that bad.”
I jump up when I hear the deep, gravelly, insanely sexy voice coming from my bedroom door.  That voice.  My lord.  The things it alone does to me should be classified as illegal.
My hair slaps me in the face, a good handful landing in my open mouth, and I hastily pull it out before I turn to where he is standing.
My lord, he’s beautiful.  He’s always been.  My heart speeds up when I take in his smirking face and the mischief dancing in his brown eyes.
“Cat got your tongue?”
I shake my head.
I shake it again.
“Do you really have some flesh-eating, boil-slash-Ebola-like sickness?” he laughs.
I narrow my eyes at him, and his rich laughter booms through the room.
“I’m just kidding, Dani-girl.  Come on. Get yourself ready and let’s go rock this prom.”
My jaw drops again.  “What?”  
For the first time, I notice that he’s dressed in a perfectly tailored tux.  My eyes travel down his tall form to his shining, black dress shoes.  On the way back up, my eyes hit the corsage spinning around his finger before I look back up into those gorgeous eyes.
“Let’s go, beautiful.”
“Does Daddy know you’re here?” I ask, not moving from my spot.
He sighs, steps into my room, and walks over.  His cologne, Gucci Black, wraps around me.  He’s worn the same scent for years.  I perversely sniff it every time I hit the mall with Lyn and Lila.  That scent—it’s my undoing.
He grabs one of my hands and gives my knuckles a kiss before placing the corsage around my wrist.  He gives my hand a squeeze before letting go.  Placing his strong hands on my shoulders, he presses down until I’m seated on my bed.  Kneeling before me, he takes my feet one by one and fastens the straps of my black heels before standing and grabbing my hands, again, to pull me to my feet.
The whole time, I act like a freak and just gape at him.
What in the hell is going on?
“Ready?” he asks.
“Right. You’re ready,” he laughs, grabs my hand, and pulls me through the house, down the stairs, and into the entryway of the house, where my parents are waiting.
Mom has her camera ready, forcing us to take some pictures, for all of which I’m sure I’m just standing there in a daze.  I think I smiled in them, but I was too busy trying to figure out what the hell is going on.  Daddy smiles big and triumphantly the whole time, like he’s won some battle here.
“Oh, good.  You got here,” Nate mumbles through a sandwich he’s stuffing down his throat.
I shake out of my stunned stupor and look over at him.  “You did this?”  I ask with disbelief.
“Well, duh.  Can’t have my little sister miss her prom because of some boils.  Plus, I knew this guy,” he says, pointing at our father, “wouldn’t mind him.”  He takes another bite before he looks over my shoulder.  “And I know he isn’t going to try to pet the cat.”
“Nathaniel Gregory!” Mom gasps.
“What?  Why do you think Dad acts like he does?  Just because I’m willing to say the words doesn’t mean you have to freak out.”
I look over at my mom, who has turned bright red.
Daddy laughs at her embarrassment and pulls her into his arms.  “Are you sure we didn’t drop that one a few times as a baby?”
She slaps his hard stomach and shakes her head. “You look beautiful, honey.  Have fun, okay?”
I smile at her and move my eyes to Daddy to judge his mood.
He just smiles at me. “I trust him.  He won’t let any of those pimple-faced, prepubescent boys touch a beautiful hair on your head.  Have fun, sweetheart.”
I walk over and give them both a hug, standing up on my toes as far as a can to whisper my gratitude in his ear.  He’s annoying, overprotective, and possessive of his girls, but I love him and I know he comes from a good place.
“Uh, excuse me?  Do I not get any little-sister love here?  I’m the one running this show, you know?”
“You’re such a dork, Nate,” I laugh and give him a hug before turning back to my date.
He’s standing by the door, talking in low tones to my daddy.  I can’t hear him, but he’s still smiling, so I’m guessing there isn’t any talk about dismemberment going on.  He looks over, his smile deepening and the lines around his eyes crinkling.  Something moves behind his eyes that darkens them slightly, but he looks back over at Daddy, finishing up their conversation.
“Ready, Dani-girl?” he asks a few minutes later, making my heart speed up again.
Holy.  Crap.
“Yeah. I’m ready.”  Or at least as ready as I’ll ever be.
That night, while dancing to Brett Young’s “Kiss by Kiss,” I knew I would never be the same.  I could feel the jealous waves coming off every female in the room as he held me in his arms.  Of course, I had a man and not a boy as my date.  Five years older than I am and very obviously not a teenager.
Being held in his arms was a dream come true.  His scent invaded my lungs with every inhale.  His eyes twinkled as his smile held me hostage.  I knew I would never love a man as much as I love him.
Yeah.  That was the night I confirmed what I had always known.  What I had always felt.
Cohen Cage owned my heart and I never wanted it back.

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Meet Cohen & Danielle in the newest stand alone
in the Hope Town Series by Harper Sloan!
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Unexpected Fate
(Stand alone)
Have you ever felt like you were living your life for a future that was predetermined? Like there was some bigger picture you just prayed you would someday see clearly? That picture has been crystal clear to me since I was old enough to recognize it for just what it was.
Or I should say recognize him for who he was.
I’ve loved Cohen Cage since I was a small child. He’s been my everything for the last twenty-two years. I’ve loved him through every girlfriend he’s ever brought home. Through his college years and then mine. I’ve loved him through two deployments. And ever since the day I told him how I felt, he’s acted like I’m a stranger.
My name is Danielle Reid, and it’s time for me to get my man.
Our future is an unexpected fate, and no matter what our parents, siblings, and friends say…it’s going to be worth every second of the fight to make it happen.
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Additional Teasers
Attached to email if needed

About the Author:
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Harper lives in small town Georgia just a short drive from her hometown of Peachtree City. She (and her 3 daughters) enjoy ruling the house they dubbed 'Estrogen Ocean', much to her husband’s chagrin. Harper has a borderline unhealthy obsession with books; you can almost ALWAYS find her with her eReader attached. She enjoys bad reality TV and cheesy romantic flicks. Her favorite kind of hero--the super alpha kind!

Harper started using writing as a way to unwind when the house went to sleep at night; and with a house full of crazy it was the perfect way to just relax. It didn't take long before a head full of very demanding alphas would stop at nothing to have their story told.

Unexpected Fate

Is a very sweet and funny story about 2 friends who grow up together and become each others forever.

Danielle Reid is Axel's daughter and Cohen is Cage's son. They group up in very tight group of friends that have been more like a family.

Dani even as a little girl she always knew Cohen was her forever. Dani refused to give up the idea of one day being able to call Cohen hers. Through out the years she wait always wondering what it would be like and wanting to feel his arms around her. She finally fessed up to what she felt for him, however she was still very young nothing happened.

Cohen is Cage's son. He also had a very beautiful fun upbringing surrounded by friends and family who love him unconditionally. He has seen Dani even when they were little kids. As they got older she started noticing her more she was growing up to be more beautiful then he expected.

One day she decided to confess her feelings for for him. However she was still very you and under age so he didn't nothing to acknowledge those feelings.
He was fortunate enough Axel, and Nate trusted him to take her to her Prom when they wouldn't allow any other guy near her.

When she finally turns 21 as much as he wants her he holds back because he knows that if things between them didn't work out it would affect more than just them. Their family group is very important to them both plus he was getting ready to deploy on a mission and wouldn't be fair to Dani.

The night before his departure they both finally give into what they feel and begin a beautiful  relationship based on love, friendship, family and fate. If you've read the previous Corps Security books this one will be icing to your cake type of thing.

I loved Unexpected Fate I truly enjoyed the banter between the characters and all of there stories and the way they continued to connect through this book.

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