The question I get asked all to often. Why. Why, those books? Why do you choose to fill your mind with filth? Why perversion? The questions are endless.
I could not answer. I could say, none of your business. Why, do you care?
I choose to say; because I enjoy it. I find it relaxing and exciting. I like to get lost in a good story that will help me forget my daily issues for a bit. Life is a bit of a struggle and why not choose a book to go on a ride with from time-to-time. Am I addicted to reading, yeah I guess I am. I read on my time. I sneak in a few pages on my lunch or while the offspring is doing homework. At night, before bedtime I will pick-up the book or Kindle and read until I fall asleep.
Some say I have way too much time on my hands. Why not workout. Why not read material that will help me on a daily basis or that will help me to become a better wife and mother. To them I say, chill. I do all those things and I educate myself daily on my day-to-day struggles. Don't judge.
Who am I?
I am a wife, mom and full-time employee. I am the mom of a special needs child that needs constant attention due to his health issues. I'm well educated on this health and very involved in what he needs. I still find time to read.
What started it all?
I read a lot when I was younger. I loved to read anything I could get my hands on. Then I stopped. A few years back I was up late at night with my son and decided to GOOGLE New York Times Best Sellers. Well that was March of 2012. Yes, Fifty Shades of Grey was just gaining attention. The next day I had a GNO with the BFF and I started telling her about it. We stopped in at B & N and it wasn't on the floor. The girl working looked at me funny so she said lets look it up. She found it gave a very funny look and then said, well its a special order and its a "textbook" so it $19.99 and you have to wait 5 days for it. Well, ok. And then I read the damn book so fast it was crazy. I got book 2 digitally, on my phone because I didn't have a nook or kindle. Yes, I read book 2 and 3 on my GALAXY 1. The original book was passed on to every special needs mom I knew. Before we knew it we were having Christian Grey chat parties. The rest is history.
Last month, my husband pushed me to start a blog. Well I started with an FB page and quickly learned that I needed and actual blog site. Wordpress kept coming up so I thought what the heck. So, this is my first post.
I have started to review books and that has been so much fun. I have met authors and had books signed. I am looking forward to attending some author events in the near future. Its amazing the things that reading has done for me, the people I have met and the things that we talk about are so much fun. Making friends has been fun.
I hope I didn't bore you with this but felt I needed to start somewhere.
Thanks for reading.
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