Without Hesitation...
FIVE STARS!!!! ☆☆☆☆☆
In this installment we get story of GREYDEN AND MACIE.
From the very beginning of the book you see the connection between the two of them. Grey has a mad crush on our girl Macie. Problem...Macie is his best friends only sister and three years younger than him. Macie, has been crushing on Grey since she was 11!
On Macie's 14th birthday, Grey notices that Macie is acting a bit shy and is not wearing the typical two piece bathing suit her friends are. No boys are approaching her and he sets out to start a new tradition with his first love.
You will see that tradition transpire through the book.
The night of her party he makes sure to give her a gift he picked out specially for her, a beautiful locket. She also gets her first kiss....swoon for a 14 year old who gets her kiss from her first love. That night Grey also gets a first... this first surprises him and hence her nickname was born.
The relationship between Grey and Macie grows throughout the years. I love what CJ Azevedo did in telling the story. We got to see our two characters grow over the period of about 11 years.
In that time period Grey was an important part of Macie's life. They had plans, they dreamed, they shared they became each others best friends. Sadly, life, real life got in the way. The hopes and dreams we have can easily be deterred and what we wish may not materialize how we expected.
Macie had a life plan. Our girl has a timeline it seems and she has goals. These goals need to be accomplished. In her planning she lost faith and patience. She makes a very poor choice and it will comeback to bite her.
But..she has also build a stable foundation with Grey. But how stable is it? This will be tested.
Never rush destiny. What is written in the stars will happen. Have faith and all will be fulfilled. When we don't leave room for the unexpected we will get sucked in to what we think we want not on what is meant to be.
CJ Azevedo had me falling in love with Grey even in his weakest moments. But thats ok. Patience is a virtue and true love is always meant to be.
My new 1-click author.
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