I have been sitting back and watching him succeed. To say I am proud of what he has accomplished would be an understatement. As fans we love to follow and support our favorites, it is no secret he is one of mine. Here is yet another one of our little conversations.
RB: Do you consider yourself a romantic, the whole candlelight dinner and roses thing?
SD: I consider myself a hopeless romantic for the most part but, more of the generation now, cause I don't know if I can be freaking out any girls my age with a candlelight dinner, but I will show up randomly with some flowers just because she was on my mind.
*yep I totally dated myself with that question.
RB: Here we are with TWO book covers. What’s it like to see yourself on all of these books?
SD: It's still surreal, to see myself being a "Muse" for a character that females think about while reading some of these stories.
RB: When an author sends you the book you were on the cover of where do you put it?
SD: At this point I read them ‘til I'm finished & than after I put them with a bunch of other things I've gotten from fans, or from fans at signings I got a nice little box of things going let me tell you.
RB: You on the cover of a magazine, how did that happen and what were your thoughts when you saw the cover?
SD: It was something that was happening or underway while I was at a signing in Tampa, I was sending some of the photos to the editor & such. I never expected any of this so it's still a shock to me. I find it all to be steps towards something bigger, what it is right now... I don't know.
RB: Would you ever do a shoot in a suit? Umm…some of us are dying to see you in a suit.
SD: I will be in a suit I believe for a signing in Indiana, I don't mind doing a shoot in a suit could def get some new looks that people haven't seen from me yet. Stacy Borel might have some ideas for Hitchhiker that people aren't expecting either, let me tell you.
RB: Thoughts on having female fans that, are older than you. Does it make you feel uncomfortable?
SD: No, it doesn't make me uncomfortable at all. Support is support no matter where it comes from.
RB: Do you play Xbox with any fans?
SD: I've posted about playing with some fans but it seems like most aren't playing the game or games that I am.
RB: With the weather changing what is your favorite thing to do indoors on a cold day?
SD: I'm such a homebody so I could watch TV shows all day, that or movies.
RB: What has been the most challenging thing you have faced and overcome this year so far?
SD: The most challenging thing that I've faced thus far has got to be the fact of seeing who's true or who's fake in my life. I've had to weed out people from my life. Trust is huge for me.
RB: What has been the most rewarding thing you have faced this year?
SD: The most rewarding thing this year has been the opportunity to travel with Stacy Borel and meet the fans/ supporters along side her.
RB: Would you consider modeling for a fashion magazine?
SD: If the opportunity arose, yes. I would.
RB: What is your most revealing picture?
SD: The most revealing picture at this point would have to be the football picture.
RB: Would you ever pose nude?
SD: Hmm, you'll just have to wait and see.
(Don’t know about you ladies, but yeah I am patient)
RB: Would you ever consider acting?
SD: I've considered it, and I've also been asked to do some but honestly, nothing has sparked an interest just yet.
RB: I have to ask. What is it like to have so many women telling you how handsome and good
looking you are?
SD: Hmm, it's kind of something I'm not used to just because I don't see what they see. I don't find myself to be "perfect" or anything close to that but it does make me smile and blush from time to time.
RB: With football back in season, what is your typical game day like and do you have a favorite snack to eat while you watch the game?

RB: What teams are you following besides the Bears?
SD: Them bears be giving me grey hairs I swear
RB: What was your favorite Halloween costume and memory growing up?
SD: My favorite Halloween costume was probably in 2012 when I was Magic Mike.
RB: Favorite Halloween candy?
SD: Butterfinger
RB: Do you have a favorite Holiday?
SD: Favorite holiday...hmm. Thanksgiving gets my inner fat kid going nuts
RB: Ohh and umm…. Lights on or off?
SD: Since I enjoy the shower, I say lights on. Don't wanna fall out of that, could be dangerous.
RB: Blondes or brunettes?
SD: Brunettes
RB: Real or fake?
SD: ugh... curves are good so whatever gives you that... I like that shit :-)
Such a doll!