Thursday, May 29, 2014

I wasn't looking for you

I wasn't looking for you. I wasn't looking for love. I wasn't looking for anyone. 

I was worried about how to keep my sisters in a bubble,  trying to keep them from becoming me. I needed to help put clothes on their back, shoes on their feet. I needed to focus on keeping everything together.  I was looking for peace, sanity, an escape.

But there you were. "Can I get a ride home?" Yeah. That was us. I dropped you off and I hauled ass home. But one day you asked and I have no clue why I felt the need to park, shut the car off and just talk. Never in my 19 yrs of existence did I think I would defy my parents and not go straight home from work.  But there I was in a car with some dude who asked me..." are you doing?" No one had ever asked me in the tone you did. And that was all I needed to let my feelings out in words.....



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