Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Importance of a Book Review




We love to read. We love to text our bestie or post on Facebook about the fabulous book we just finished. If you're dorky like me, you may text your friends the lines that you like from the book. I have even text a friend, shhh "I'm about to lose my Vcard, go away".  Don't deny it, us book whores are crazy like that.

OMG, I just finished... and can't wait for the next book. Before you jump into the next book on your TBR, take a few minutes and tell your new besties, AMAZON and GOODREADS just how good that book you finished was. Hey, you have time to post on your friends timeline or text her about your CURRENT BOOK BOYFRIEND. Why not chat it up with the sites that the authors rely on to hear how great you thought their book was.

Why, you ask? Well, I figured ask the author's. I did just that. I asked a few of them. I couldn't just write this without sources. Here is what they all pretty much said (and yes I will add the authors to this entry), a review is always a good thing to have. Any review is good. They want your reviews people, and yes even the "bad" ones.  The reviews help the author grow and helps them to see where it is they need improvement. The more reviews we leave the more their books will be suggested. If we take a few minutes to write a review, while the story is still fresh then even better. The author's want to know how the book made you feel. What you thought of the story. This is helpful believe it or not, it is why constructive criticism is welcomed. In regards to constructive criticism; one lady said she welcomes it because it lets her know if her books are going in the right direction for her fans.

I had to get a new authors input. She said that as a newbie, reviews help us as readers by validating the book. The review will help get the word spread and be introduced to more people. The more reviews a book gets the more audience it will get. I agree with her. In my opinion, and I am not a writer, why not help an author continue to live their dream. Most of us have found some amazing authors by accident. Well lets tell everyone about them. Not just our besties via text or FB.

Author's really do look at the reviews you post. One shared that one of her reviews mentioned a formatting problem and she corrected that problem asap. Proof that they want to give us, the reader, what we want. They will go above and beyond to keep their reader pleased and coming back. The more we review them the more we get from them. So, if there are some books you read and really enjoyed and just couldn't put down then please go and leave a review.

What is the author looking for in a review? Your honest feelings. How did you feel about the story? Did you connect with the characters? Were you engaged? It doesn't have to be a long detailed report like when we were in school. Just a few sentences to let the author know what you liked, or didn't and if you would read their work again.

Rating vs Reviews.  I actually did have a conversation with one of the ladies about this.  Many of you have probably seen the star rating at the end of the book. Do you leave one? Those can be helpful too. But with the rating, the writer doesn't know why you gave that rating. They would like to know why. I made a comment, saying why doesn't AMAZON attach a link to reviews at the end of the book. Hey, they do the rating system. Just a thought.

I challenge you to please leave a review. When you finish the current book you are on, show the author love and respect for the work they have done. Put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn't you want someone to do the same for you?

I want to take this opportunity to thank the ladies that were helpful in answering some of my questions. I greatly appreciate it.

Michelle Pace, Angel Bales, Jen Cousineau, Josephine Raven, Julia Sykes


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